Meaning of Aggregate (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

aggregate is a masculine adjective that classifies something that was added, agglomerate, associate, attached.

In Brazil the word aggregate can have other meanings. Sometimes it indicates a person who, despite not being part of a family, participates in their routines. It could be a daughter's boyfriend, for example. In some regions of Brazil it can also be a word used to describe a person who performs services on a farm, but does not have an employment contract.

At construction, aggregates are mineral materials, usually grains such as gravel, natural sands, crushed stone, etc. These aggregates can be artificial or natural and are used in construction works.

Some synonyms of aggregate can be: adjoint, connected, associated, gathered.

social aggregate

A social aggregate is the set of individuals who, despite being physically close, have little social interaction.

Unlike what happens in a family or a club, in the household there are no stable social relationships.

What is common to the various elements of a social group is their physical and spatial proximity, such as a group of people who watch a musical show. The social aggregate has neither hierarchy nor the organization of a social group.

added value

In the context of economics, the added value refers to an attribute of quality, consisting in the increase in the value of a certain product of a company.

Added value makes it possible to measure the value that is generated by the production system of a given economic agent.


A household is a group of people who have family legal connections and who live in the same house and are part of the same family economy.

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