Business Logistics is an area of Administration dedicated to organize the company's production processes.
Also called traditional logistics, it proposes ways to improve the company's production operation, so that it increases the efficiency of the work done and, consequently, the demand and the offer of product.
Business logistics is responsible for four basic functions of the production process: acquisition, movement, storage and delivery of products.
This procedure helps business owners to have greater efficiency in their production, in addition to being a way of highlighting the company's activity in the competitive market.
In addition, business logistics also influence important factors in the process called supply chain of a product (supply chain).
know more about supply chain.
The supply chain encompasses all stages and actors directly or indirectly involved in fulfilling an order, such as suppliers, distributors, retailers and customers. The participation of these actors in the production process is somehow linked, giving the idea of a chain.
The more complex the activity and field in which the company operates, the greater the need to coordinate the production process and the supply chain in a more systemic way (supply chain) of an order, that is, the greater the need to think about business logistics.
In this sense, it is understood the value that business logistics can add to a company. The speed, attention and efficiency of delivery are part of how the customer sees the brand and the purchase content, contributing to their satisfaction.
See also the meaning of Logistics it's from Business Value Chain.