Meaning of Nonsense (What it is, Concept and Definition)

nonsense is the English noun that means meaningless, absurd or nonsense and indicates manifestations contrary to logic.

This word is formed by no (means no, it is an element of negation) and sense (which means meaning).

It is common to designate as nonsense a silly speech, meaningless or meaningless. Ex: His parents grounded him because of all the nonsense that was coming out of his mouth. / His parents punished him for all the nonsense that came out of his mouth.

The word nonsense it can also designate conduct or action that is reckless, insubordinate, or questionable. Ex: I'm leaving because I am tired of all this nonsense. / I'm leaving because I'm tired of all this nonsense.

There are several scenarios that are considered as nonsense. For example, in a city, a barber must shave all the inhabitants of the city who do not shave themselves. This way, he can only shave his own beard if he doesn't. In this case there is no possible rational solution. Some might classify this situation as ridiculous or absurd, unreal or impossible, a nonsense.

Humor nonsense

the mood nonsense it's a kind of humor that is based on absurd, nonsensical, fictional or overly elaborate scenarios. It is very appreciated because it allows you to get away from established norms, to think differently from what is defined as acceptable and logical.

Thanks to humour, the meaningless becomes meaningless, it even creates a new meaning, and so life incorporates the absurd through humour. The game of meaning and nonsense exists because the paradox allows it. This - the paradox – points to the impossible, the undecidable, a field where there is no answer.

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