Meaning of Xucro (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Xucro is the untamed animal, one who is still wild.

The term is part of the language of rural people, used mainly in regions with a strong rural presence, such as the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais.

In a pejorative sense, the word xucro designates a coarse individual, difficult to tame, similar to a wild animal.

Xucro is still used to refer to that person who is little trained in some work. And also to refer to something rustic, coarse, unpolished.

The feminine of xucro is xucra, like "the xucra mare". It corresponds, pejoratively, to a woman with rude or coarse attitudes, without social treatment. Or even those with skittish behavior, like the badly tamed horse.

In some sense it can still contain a sense of innocence, of what comes raw, wild, without the malice of the city. Like for example:

"She arrived at the University all xucra, she didn't talk to anyone".

Chucro or Xucro

The correct spelling in Portuguese is Xucro. However, the legitimate spelling would be with ch, chucro, as they come from the term Quechua, an indigenous language of Latin America, chucru.

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