5 Examples of Common Sense

Common sense reflects the way of thinking of most people, with notions that are admitted by individuals through their experiences. It describes the beliefs and propositions that appear in everyday life, without worrying about a detailed investigation to know its real meaning.

Below we will give some examples of what is characterized as common sense:

1. Boldo tea cures liver problems

When a person complains of pain in the liver, it is common for someone to say that they can drink boldo tea and the pain will soon pass.

This is a recipe used by the oldest and that was passed on from generation to generation, without people really knowing the active ingredient of boldo and its effect on liver diseases.

This thought is directly related to the empirical knowledge, which is one that is based on experiences and that is transmitted from generation to generation.

Learn more about empirical knowledge.

2. Plums and papaya help to regulate the bowel

Unlike critical knowledge, empirical knowledge, used in common sense, is not based on methods or scientific conclusions, but in the way of assimilating useful information and knowledge in the daily.

This thought justifies the fact that people think that when someone doesn't have their bowels working properly, the fact that they eat plums or papayas makes them go back to normal.

This is because the active principle of these fruits has a laxative function, that is, it helps to regulate the intestine. This is also an experience that our ancestors had in life and passed on to future generations.

3. In team that is winning does not move

This very popular phrase is used in countless situations and means the thought that one should not change the conditions of something that is working correctly.

There is no way to prove or predict that the changes could make the results worse. The opposite could happen and the changes could bring even better results.

However, it is a common sense understanding, passed down through the generations, that making changes in a situation that works well can compromise future outcomes.

4. There is a solution for everything but death

This phrase is repeated by people of different ages and in different situations. It is often used as a consolation in difficult times or situations that do not seem likely to be resolved.

It can be considered a popular message that represents optimism and the desire to "always find a way out" of any problem or difficulty.

This common sense saying is used as a positive message, which encourages a person not to be afraid or despair, since for all situations there would be a solution, except for death.

5. Brazilian likes samba, barbecue and football

This is another example of common sense. The phrase, which can be said by both Brazilians and foreigners, reflects the general idea that all people born in Brazil like to do these activities in their moments of leisure.

It is common sense to think that samba, football and barbecue are "national passions", in other words, that they are activities appreciated by all Brazilians.

In this case, although it is a very popular idea, we know that it does not reflect reality, as it is not true that all people born in the country listen to samba or enjoy barbecue and football.

Learn more about Common sense it's the Critical sense.

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