Holitic therapy: what is it and types of therapy

Holistic therapy is a type of therapy that treats problems and diseases from a global view of the human being. Holistic therapy, unlike therapies that focus only on the problem or symptoms of disease, analyzes the person as a whole, in its physical, cultural, psychological and social. holos, in Greek, means "whole", "set".

The objective is to help the patient to improve their quality of life and reach their maximum physical, emotional and energetic balance.

Holistic therapies are intended to treat various health problems, such as insomnia, fear, anxiety, physical or muscle pain and energy blocks. Holistic therapies are also used as complementary treatments, contributing to so-called conventional treatments.

In Brazil, several therapeutic practices with a holistic view are offered free of charge in the Unified Health System (SUS) as a complement to conventional treatment. Although most of these therapies lack scientific proof, acupuncture and homeopathy are recognized by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM).

In order to define the most appropriate treatment holistic therapist analyzes the patient in physical, mental, spiritual and energetic aspects. Treatment is done this way because holism believes that each individual is unique and that all these characteristics influence one another.

The profession of holistic therapist is recognized and regulated by the Holistic Therapy Self-Regulatory Council (CRT).

Self-observation and self-help, awareness raising, and more natural-based therapies are important concepts for holistic therapy.

Traditional medicine can also be used in conjunction with holistic therapy, when treatments are based on a global view of the person. It's what's called holistic medicine.

Types of Holistic Therapies

Many of the holistic therapies used in treatments are part of the teachings of oriental medicine, such as Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Examples of more applied holistic therapies:

  • acupuncture,
  • homeopathy
  • flower therapy,
  • color therapy,
  • massages,
  • crystal therapy (crystal therapy),
  • aromatherapy,
  • Phytotherapy,
  • reflexology,
  • shiatsutherapy,
  • reiki.

See also the meaning of

  • meaning of holistic
  • Definition of Holistic Vision
  • Definition of Acupuncture
  • Definition of Chromotherapy
  • Definition of Herbal Medicine
  • meaning of shiatsu
  • meaning of reiki

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