Meaning of Resigned (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Resigned is an adjective that characterizes the individual who peacefully accepts something, without opposing, complaining or showing any kind of resistance to a determined situation imposed.

The resigned person is considered resigned, as he does not fight against the adversities that may be making his life difficult. As a matter of fact, it is common to refer to someone as resigned when he appears to bear an evil without revolt, acting in a conformist way in relation to his situation.

Example:"The boy was resigned to his father's death".

The act of resigning corresponds to the action of saying goodbye or abdicating a certain thing spontaneously will, as well as the demonstration of tolerance, patience and submission in relation to the command, order or desire to another. Thus, the resigned person acts with resignation.

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In the legal and administrative scope, it is called resigned position one who has been voluntarily renounced by someone else.

Synonyms for resigned

  • Tolerant;
  • Condescending;
  • Compromising;
  • Patient;
  • Conformed;
  • Submissive;
  • Declined;
  • Quitter;
  • Refused;
  • Renounced.

In English, the word resigned can be literally translated as resigned.

See also:meaning of abdicate.

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