Meaning of Sama (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Sama is a honorific title used in Japanese language, used at the end of a proper name, giving it a high distinction.

the suffix sama check a sense of nobility and superiority, used to refer to people who have a very high importance or position in Japan, such as gods or emperors.

Sama it is the highest honorific treatment that exists in the Japanese hierarchical system.

The Japanese imperial family, for example, receives the title of sama as a form of formal and respectful treatment.

The closest translation of the term sama for Portuguese it would be “Your Excellency” or “Your Lordship”.

Among Japanese Christians, God is calledKami-sama, while Jesus Christ is mentioned as Iesu-sama.

It is also quite common to use the suffix sama in trade relations, through the expression o-kyaku-sama, which means “sir customer”, in the literal translation into Portuguese.


Meishu-sama is a highly revered and respected religious figure in Japan, known for being the founder and builder of the so-called “Earthly Paradises”, also known as “Sacred Grounds”.

Born Mokiti Okada in 1882, Meishu-sama he dedicated his life to the study of philosophy and religion, mainly on the origin of human suffering.

Meishu-sama's “Earthly Paradise” is an ideal world project, where the truth, the good and the beautiful would reign with the humanity that lived there.

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