Meaning of Convergent (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Convergent is an adjective attributed to everything that follows or goes to the same place.

The word comes from the verb converge, which means move towards the same point in common with another, that is, the points compete, flow and converge to the same place, as shown in the image:


A convergent person is one who tends towards the same goals or purposes as another person in the group to which they both belong.

Among some of the main synonymous with convergent they are:

  • Analogous;
  • Parallel;
  • Related;
  • Correlated;
  • Centripetal;
  • Congruent;
  • Coincident;
  • Consonant.

Convergent and Divergent

They are opposite things. As we have seen, what is converging parallels the same direction. What is divergent, as the name suggests, diverges from each other, that is, they move away and follow opposite directions.

Learn more about the meaning of Divergent.

Convergent lens

For Physics, the word convergent is attributed to the characterization of spherical lenses. A converging lens is one where light incident parallel to each other is refracted, taking directions that are limited to a single point, as shown in the image:

converging lens

Convergent and divergent lens difference

According to the way light is refracted in the lens, we can classify it as convergent and divergent.

As seen, the converging lens is capable of converting incoming light rays so that they follow the same direction. That is, no matter where the beam hits the lens, it is always focused to the same point.

On the other hand, when light rays strike the divergent lens, they are doubly refracted, causing them to distance themselves from each other.

convergent and divergent lens

Converging lenses have the center thicker than the edges. The divergent lenses are the opposite, the center is thinner and the edges are thicker.

Typically, converging lenses can be divided into: biconvex, plano-convex, and concave-convex. Divergent lenses are classified into: biconcave, plano-concave, and convex-concave.

Convergent Evolution

In biology, the word convergent is related to the evolutionary process of species. A convergent being is one that develops characteristics similar to those of another species. These features are called analogous structures.

This phenomenon is linked to natural selection, where species undergo various bodily and behavioral adaptations until they adapt to a given environment.

Convergent Movement

In geography, convergent is the name of the movement that the boundaries of tectonic plates make when they move towards each other.

During the movement of the plates, when tension is released between them, the denser one slides down the lesser plate. dense, performing the orogenesis, a kind of "folding" or elevation, where the process of formation of chains of mountains.

See also the meaning of Insurgent.

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