Meaning of Distilled Water (What it is, Concept and Definition)

distilled water is the pure water state, without mixtures with other substances and microorganisms. It is obtained through the distillation process. Even though it is clean water, its ingestion is not recommended.

Distilled water is not suitable for consumption, however it can have several other applications, especially for laboratory activities, for the manufacture of medicines and in the treatment of some diseases, due to its diuretic and depurative.

As it is in its purest form, distilled water is composed of the chemical formula H20 (two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom).

Distilled water is not suitable for consumption precisely because it is totally pure, since it is essential for the organism of living beings the intake of some minerals to maintain the balance of bodily functions, and which are added to water during the processes of treatment. Therefore, the recommended for consumption is the drinking mineral water, which brings together the main minerals to ensure health, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, for example.

know more about Mineral water.

If the individual decides to consume distilled water (even though it is not indicated), he should be aware of the mineral levels and essential ions that you ingest through other foods on a daily basis, so that your body.

See also: the meaning of water treatment.

How to make distilled water

Distilled water is obtained through a purification process called distillation. There are several methods, but basically, for the water to be distilled, it needs to be heated until it starts to vaporizationor boilingof the same. Afterwards, the water vapor released needs to be condensed so that the water can be collected again in liquid form.

After its vaporization and condensation, the resulting water is in a distilled state and free of any other substance that may have been mixed with it originally.

distillation scheme
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