Meaning of Apollo (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Apollo means beauty, elegance and harmony. In Greek mythology, Apollo is the god of the sun, beauty, the arts, poetry, music, prophecy and archery. He is physically described as a tall, handsome young man; the most beautiful of the gods. Therefore, "apollo" is a term used to represent a handsome, strong, and elegant man.

The god Apollo (or Phoebus, in Roman mythology) is the son of the great Zeus (or Jupiter) and Leto (or Latona, goddess of evening). He is the twin brother of Artemis (or Diana, goddess of hunting and the moon). He is one of the Twelve Olympian Gods (gods who lived on Mount Olympus).

Apollo's symbols are the lyre, bow and arrows. The snake, the raven, the wolf and the dolphin are the animals associated with it. In his images, he is usually seen wearing a cloak and a wreath of laurel leaves, his sacred plant.

According to mythology, Apollo was a strong and feared god. He was an accomplished archer and entertained the other gods of Olympus to the sound of his lyre. The Oracle at Delphi was consecrated to Apollo, as well as the temple where the Pythoness (prophetess and priestess of Apollo) was.

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