Leap year is called the year that has 366 days, that is, one day more than the normal (365 days), the 29th of February. The leap term refers to the double six in the number of days in these years (366).
According to the rule, a leap year is included in a extra day at the end of february, which is now 29 days old.
According to specifications defined in the Gregorian calendar, which is currently followed, leap years occur at four-year intervals.
However, it is worth paying attention to some important observations about how leap years work: secular years, for example, they are not considered leaps, with the exception of those whose first two digits are divisible by four. Example: 1600, 2000, 2400, etc.
Why and when was the leap year created?
Leap years were created with the objective of regulating the annual calendar with the Earth's translation, which has a period a little longer than 365 days.
Thus, it prevents seasonal events related to the seasons from being altered, for example.
The Earth takes approximately 365 days and 6 hours to make a complete circle around the sun. By multiplying the remaining six hours by four years, you get a whole day that, theoretically, would be discounted and would affect the synchrony between the terrestrial calendar and seasonal events throughout the time.
In order to adjust for this error, one day is added to the calendar every four years.
Initially, the leap year was created in 238 BC. C, and instituted by Ptolemy III in Egypt.
However, over the years, the rules that define the leap year have undergone many changes. Only from 1582, with the definition of the Gregorian calendar (by Pope Gregory XIII), the model that is currently seen came into force.
See also the meaning of the Gregorian Calendar.
next leap years
The last leap year was the year 2020 and the next years in which February will have 29 days are:
- 2024
- 2028
- 2032
- 2036
- 2040
- 2044
Learn more about the meaning of leap.