THE Republic of the Sword it happened from 1889 to 1894 and was thus known for being a period in which the two presidents of Brazil were military. These presidents were Deodoro da Fonseca (1889-1891) and Floriano Peixoto (1891-1894). It was the moment of consolidation of the republic and was marked by great political and economic turmoil. It ended with the inauguration of Brazil's first civilian president: Prudente de Morais.
Accessalso: First Republic, the first moment of the republic in Brazil
República da Espada is how we know the first five years of the republic in Brazil. It is called that because the first two Brazilian presidents were military. Is it over there marked the consolidation of the republic Brazilian, since numerous issues were in dispute in the country.
This period of Brazilian history began with the Pclaim of Rpublic, event that happened in November 15, 1889. The proclamation was basically a coup and had the involvement of military and civilians who defended the implantation of the republican regime. The problems of the monarchy ended up opening up for regime change.
With the republic, a series of changes were put into practice in the country and a governmentprovisional was established, giving rise to the Republic of the Sword, which was marked by two presidents:
Deodoro da Fonseca (1889-1891);
Floriano Peixoto (1891-1894).
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Government of Deodoro da Fonseca
![Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca was Brazilian president from 1889 to 1891.](/f/29aaef0dfddadcb0763ab9f964257657.jpg)
Deodoro da Fonseca was named the country's provisional president after the provisional government was established as an offshoot of the Proclamation of the Republic. His government can be divided into two phases: one in which he was president provisional and another phase constitutional, in which he was elected as president by the Brazilian parliamentarians.
The marshal's government was marked by the actionsauthoritarian and for being a time of both political and economic crisis. In the provisional period, he tried to erase the symbols that referred to the monarchy, as well as to close down the monarchical institutions.
In addition, the separation of state and church, one of the great demands of the military prior to November 15, 1889. In the economic field, the government of Deodoro was a real failure, because measures taken by the Minister of Finance, Rui Barbosa, started an economic crisis that affected Brazil during almost the entire decade. This economic crisis was called Stranding.
After the Constitution of 1891 was enacted, the presidential election was held, and Deodoro da Fonseca came out the winner with a total of 129 votes. The second place was Prudente de Morais, who obtained 97 votes. For vice, the Marshal Floriano Peixoto with 157 votes. Deodoro's constitutional government has already begun under the new Constitution.
However, after being elected, the president's positions began to become very authoritarian and this eroded his relationship with parliamentarians. This wear motivated the president to try to centralize power through theclosing of the National Congress on November 3, 1891. The situation was illegal under the 1891 Constitution and generated an immediate reaction.
In Rio de Janeiro, a reaction was mounted against the president's actions, and the Navy rebelled, giving an ultimatum to Deodoro and demanding his resignation and the reopening of Congress. If that didn't happen, the country's capital (Rio de Janeiro, at the time) would be bombed by warships. Deodorus decided then to waive on November 23, 1891.
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Florian Government
![Known as Marshal de Ferro, Floriano Peixoto was president from 1891 to 1894.[1]](/f/6299b00573c0cf3ca0eada4321ef39c8.jpg)
Floriano Peixoto assumed the presidency in 1891, remaining in office until 1894. He was the vice president of Brazil and his inauguration as president was not allowed, as the Constitution of 1891 determined that a new election would be necessary. However, there was an interest among parliamentarians to consolidate and stabilize the republic in Brazil and a political agreement guaranteed the presidency for Floriano, even though it was illegal.
Floriano Peixoto achieved this stabilization through the authoritarianism. This initial period was marked by a lot of political dispute, as the new actors sought to guarantee their interests in Brazilian politics. Thus, there were groups opposing Floriano, but the president used authoritarianism to silence them.
The president also got House and Senate approval for works of Land legislation were suspended. This allowed Floriano to centralize power itself and, despite this centralism, Floriano was well regarded by the popular layers, due to their actions to combat the economic crisis initiated by the government previous.
Floriano still became knownO like Marech of Ferror because, during his government, two big problems were solved by him: the Armada Revolt and the Federalist Revolution. Despite the problems, he remained in power for three years. In 1894, the São Paulo oligarchy, the most powerful in Brazil, organized the transfer of power. A presidential election was held and the person elected was Prudent of Morals, who took office as president in November of the same year.
Armada Revolt
THE Revoltgivesarmed it happened between September 1893 and March 1894, being motivated by the Navy's dissatisfaction with the republic in Brazil (the Navy was mostly monarchist). Navy vessels aimed their cannons at Rio de Janeiro and bombardments were launched against the City.
The government's reaction had the involvement of the US Navy and the rebels were forced to open the siege. On the run, they sailed south, where they joined forces fighting the Federalist Revolution.
Federalist Revolution
THE Federalist Revolution, in turn, was a warcivil fought in southern Brazil between 1893 and 1895. This conflict was a consequence of political disputes between the Rio-Grandense Republican Party and the Federalist Party. The region had been experiencing great violence between the two parties for some time, but the war actually began with the invasion of Rio Grande do Sul by the federalists.
Politically speaking, the Rio-Grandense Party was represented by Júlio de Castilhos, a figure who was defended by the president during the war. The president ordered the sending of troops, but the federalists imposed their strength at first and advanced from Rio Grande do Sul to Santa Catarina and Paraná.
The federalists even considered invading the state of São Paulo, but in 1894 they began to lose strength due to disagreements between the federalist leaders. From then onwards, the troops of Floriano and Júlio de Castilhos began to recover space to the point where, in 1895, the last federalist troops had fled to Argentina or Uruguay. It is estimated that this conflict caused about 10 thousand deaths.
Image credits
[1] Sergey Kohl and Shutterstock