Meaning of Crossfit (What it is, Concept and Definition)

crossfit it is a training and fitness program, developed to improve the physiological capabilities of any type of person, from elite athletes, military, elderly or young.

The objective of Crossfit is to enhance all the main physical abilities of the human being, such as endurance respiratory and cardiovascular, muscular endurance, flexibility, strength, coordination, power, agility, balance and velocity.

Currently, Crossfit workouts are the most popular in gyms around the world, precisely because of the ease of adaptation that the exercises in this training program provide for people of any age or level physicist.

The main equipment for practicing Crossfit is the body itself, but some can also be used basic tools such as ropes, weights, boxes, elastics, chains, among others that help in the execution of some Exercises.

Crossfit training is guided by three main principles: functional movements (which closely resemble all daily movements); high intensity (for the development of the best physical conditioning); and the constant variation (a different exercise routine every day).

Crossfit emerged in the United States in the 1980s, created by trainer Greg Glassman. The training model was soon adopted by the US military to improve the physical fitness of soldiers.

However, the technique only became popular worldwide among civilians from the year 2000, when Greg Glassman started sharing videos of Crossfit exercises on the internet.

You Crossfit trainings last an average of 1 hour, divided into heating and WOD (work of day), ie the "workout of the day".

Crossfit Benefits

Among some of the main benefits of Crossfit practitioners are:

  • Increased physical strength;
  • Increased body flexibility;
  • Increased self-esteem;
  • Stress reduction;
  • Energy boost;
  • Reduction of body fat percentage;
  • Prevents bodily harm;
  • Muscle definition;
  • It can be practiced by anyone, including pregnant women, as long as they are accompanied by a qualified professional.

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