Meaning of Inventory (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Inventory is an accounting document consisting of a listing of goods that belong to a person, entity or community.

Within a company, an inventory is carried out so that it is possible to obtain a real balance.

In many countries, the public administration instituted the mandatory inventory, as it is a practice important in business management, because it helps to define their results, facilitating administration Supervisor. According to the legislation, the result of the inventory must be properly registered.

In the business context, the inventory is often carried out with the aim of determining the company's liquidity, in case of separation of its partners.

Inventory is a recording method that allows you to know at any time the existing stock, that is, the materials in storage or warehouse. This method makes it possible to determine the profits and losses of a given business.

Inventory and sharing

in the business of right, when a person dies, their inventory is carried out and eventual assets are shared among the individuals who qualify, that is, the heirs.

In these cases, the inventory can be carried out in a judicial or extrajudicial manner.

O extrajudicial inventory it is faster, being done through a public deed at a registry office.

On the other hand, the judicial inventory, as its name implies, is done under the supervision of a judge. It occurs when there is no agreement between the heirs in the division, when the heirs are minors or when the deceased person expressed his will through a will.

Forest Inventory

The forest inventory consists of a record, list or list of plant species in a given place.

Usually this document presents geographic and botanical data such as altitude, location, terrain slope, vegetation cover, location of existing species, nature of the substrate, etc.

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