Meaning of Polished Stone (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Polished Stone, also known as Neolithic Period, was the phase of prehistory that occurred between 12 thousand and 4 thousand a. Ç.

The beginning of this period was marked by the end of the glaciations, a time when almost the entire planet was covered with ice and ended with the development of the Mesopotamian region.

This phase is called Pedra Polished due to the custom that humans had at that time of polishing the stones they used to make their instruments, such as axes and spears, for example.

In the Neolithic period, the agricultural development and animal domestication were important moments.

The development of agriculture allowed human beings to have a life less dependent on nature, as it was no longer necessary to collect fruits, vegetables and roots, they themselves planted them.

The domestication of animals, such as goats, oxen, pigs, horses and birds, allowed man to significantly increase the amount of food production.

In this same period, individuals stopped being nomads, and started to have fixed housing, allowing the development of the first communities, such as tribes, villages, towns and cities.

With the increase in food production, the need for storage was created, also developing art in ceramic products.

In the Neolithic, there was also a significant development of religious practices, such as rituals, cultural and craft.

Polished Stone and Chipped Stone

Before the period that marks the Polished Stone Age, there was the so-called Paleolithic Period, also known as Pedra Lascada.

The Lascada Stone is the first phase of the so-called Stone Age, comprising a time span ranging from 2 million to 10 thousand years a. Ç.

Learn more about the meaning of Chipped stone.

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