Substitute Meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Alternate is the one who replaces those who cannot perform their duties for some reason. The alternate does not hold office until the incumbent leaves, and the alternate's role is only to remain available to take over.

The list of substitutes for the entrance exam, for example, is a list in order of classification in the competition, from the highest score to the lowest. It includes all applicants who have not passed or have been waived. As the candidates who passed the vacancy drop out, the substitutes from that college will assume the available places in the desired course.

The word alternate means one who supplies another. That is, someone who occupies a place or function of something else, when it can no longer fulfill it. Some synonyms for substitute are the words substitute or reserve, and as antonyms there are official, titular and permanent.

Alternate Councilor

All candidates not elected for a city councilor become alternate councilors. They become part of the party's list of alternates, and may or may not take over. This varies according to the vote they took in the elections and the number of elected representatives removed during the four-year term.

The list of alternates is by party and is made up in voting order. The first substitute is the one with the most votes among those not elected by the party.

If an elected councilor resigns, is removed, or takes on another position, such as a municipal secretary, whoever takes his seat is the first alternate of the same party. But if the elected councilor can return to the Chamber, the alternate must also return to the substitute list.

O deputy councilor not entitled to salary by the City Council. Only elected councilors who took office receive a salary to carry out the activity.

There is no described role for alternate councilor. Whoever is listed in the substitute only has the duty to be available to the City Council if called upon.

State legislative assemblies and the Chamber of Deputies in Brasília follow this same structure for alternate state representatives and alternate federal representatives.

Alternate Senator

The alternate senator is elected together with the senator, and does not follow the same rules as the alternate in the Chamber of Councilors or Deputies.

When electing a senator, the voter also votes for his first and second alternates, who are part of the same ticket. The first and second senator substitutes only assume the position if the elected candidate dies, goes on sick leave, resigns, among other reasons for leave.

The alternate in the terms of senators was created to ensure the fulfillment of the mandate, reducing possible problems such as the death of senators, for example. This is because the senator's term lasts eight years, and not four years like other elective positions in Brazil.

Student Guild Substitute

The board of a Student Union is normally composed of the president of the association, vice president, general secretary, first treasurer, second treasurer, department directors, first alternate and second alternate.

The alternates will take the vacancies that remain open on the board, if they happen, and respecting the hierarchy determined by the entity's statute. If the president of the union gives up the position, the vice-president takes over, who in turn is replaced by the general secretary, and one of the directors may take over as secretary. Then there is an opportunity for one of the alternates to effectively join the board. But before that, the alternate has no effective role in managing the guild.

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