eject means expelledr or cast out. In Computing, the term is commonly used to designate the act of removing a USB device connected to the computer using a command for this action. It's the same as safely removing. It is an option recommended by manufacturers of data storage devices such as pendrive or external disk, to avoid data loss or reading errors.
For eject a CD or DVD is indicated that the task being performed (playing music, movie, game, etc.) is paused or stopped and then press the button for ejecting discs on the CD/DVD reader, or click with the right mouse button on the specific drive and choose the option Eject. On Mac computers, a quick way to eject is to click on the item's icon and remove to trash.
In Aeronautics, ejecting means producing the pilot's ejection, that is, using the ejection seat to leave the aircraft in emergency situations. The ejection seat exists in certain types of aircraft, with the objective of launching the pilot out of the aircraft within a few seconds at a safe distance. They are equipped with a parachute that must open and allow the pilot to land safely.