Meaning of Roman Numbers (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Roman numbers or Roman numerals are numerical representations that were invented during the ancient Roman Empire.

The Romans, to facilitate their numbering system, instituted a pattern of letters based on the Latin alphabet as representatives of certain numerical importance.

Roman numbers are represented by the following capital letters: I, V, X, L, C, D, M, where:

Roman numbers

The ancient Romans did not know the number zero, so there is no representation for zero in Roman numerals.

Table of Roman Numbers (1 to 3,000)

I - 1
II - 2
III - 3
IV - 4
V - 5
VI - 6
VII - 7
VIII - 8
IX - 9
X - 10
XI - 11
XII - 12
XIII - 13
XIV - 14
XV - 15
XVI - 16
XVII - 17
XVIII - 18
XIX - 19
XX - 20
XXX - 30
XL - 40
L - 50
LX - 60
LXX - 70
LXXX - 80
XC - 90
C - 100
CC - 200
CCC - 300
CD - 400
D - 500
DC - 600
DCC - 700
DCCC - 800
CM - 900
M - 1000
MM - 2000
MMM - 3000

Rules for using Roman Numbers

There are some rules for using Roman numerals, such as:

  • The letter I is used only before the V and the X, for example: IV = 4; IX = 9.
  • The letter X is used only before L and C, for example: XL = 40; XC = 90
  • The letter C is used only before the D and the M, for example, CD = 400; CM = 900
  • The letters I, X, C and M are only grouped followed three times, for example: III = 3; XXX = 30.
  • To represent numbers greater than 4000 use a dash above the letters, which means multiplying the number by one thousand.
  • Equal letters add up the values, for example: II = 2; XX = 20.
  • Two different letters with the smallest before the largest subtract their values, for example: IV = 4; IX = 9.
  • Two different letters with the largest before the smallest, add up their values, for example: VI = 6; XI = 11.
  • If between any two letters there is another smaller one, its value will belong to the letter following it, for example: XIX = 19; LIV = 54.

See also the meanings of Numbers and learn more about the Arabic numerals.

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