Meaning of Quadrilha (What it is, Concept and Definition)

gang is a set of malicious peoplewho gather, in an organized way and under the leadership of someone, to commit robberies and other criminal activities.

gang, gang (gang) or criminal association are other names considered synonymous with gangs in this context.

According to article 288 of the Brazilian Penal Code, a criminal association (legal name for the "gang") is formed from the meeting of three or more people with the intention of committing some crime.

The law provides, as a form of punishment, the detention of those involved in prison terms of one to three years in prison, and the penalty may be aggravated if the gang has possession of weapons or the participation of children or teenagers.

See also the meaning of gangster.

From the meaning attributed by its etymological origin (from Castilian quadrangle), the quadrille can also be the designation given to a group of four or more riders, who are prepared for the game of canes, an ancient sport practiced in Portugal and Spain.

junina square

In Brazil, the gang of June is a Popular dance typical of June festival celebrations.

It is characterized by steps rehearsed and performed by couples, which are animated by a narrator who commands the dance movements.

Traditionally, it was conventional to use the stereotyped image of the country man (“hillbilly”) as the central character of the gangs in June.

According to anthropologists and historians, the gang of June would have arisen in Brazil during the colonial period.

The accordion, the triangle, the drum and the viola are some of the instruments that usually accompany the rhythms of the dances of the square dance.

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