Meaning of Aggregate (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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add is a transitive verb that means joining with each other, reunite to something already existing. For example: grouping people, incorporating new ideas, new techniques, inserting new elements, new information and new concepts etc.

Some synonyms for aggregate can be: accumulate, add, append, associate, add, and include.

Aggregate value

Adding value is adding innovations, values, it is differentiating what is placed on the market, in order to satisfy your customer. Adding value is a challenge for business owners looking to keep their business more attractive over time.

Adding value is attaching to the product or service, practical ideas with clear and easy-to-measure objectives. When adding value, quality gains must be sought that are soon assimilated by customers, sometimes with small details, but which, in the eyes of the consumer, make a difference.

The added value is noticeable when in the customer's view, in addition to quality, innovation, affordable price, the product meets your needs, which makes it differentiated and, therefore, wins your preference at the time of purchase.

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See too

  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship

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