Meaning of Territory (What it is, Concept and Definition)

territory can be a delimited area under a possession, whether of an animal, a person or a group, an organization or an institution.

The term can also be used in politics, biology and psychology.

In the traditional concept of geography, territory is used to study the relations between space and power developed by states, especially national states.

In the political context, it refers to the land surface of a State, be it sovereign or not, or also the physical space over which the State exercises its sovereign power.

For the general theories of State, diplomacy, international relations and nationality, territory is one of the conditions for the existence and recognition of a country.

Some people confuse territory with borders, however, the boundary is the limit between two distinct parts, which determines the territorial area needs of a State, its physical base and they are made through territorial and political boundaries that guarantee their states the autonomy and sovereignty of these before the others.

Brazilian territory

The Brazilian territory has a large extension, and is considered a true country-continent, its area territorial ranks it fifth among the largest countries in territorial extension, with approximately 8,514,876 km².

In size, Brazil is only smaller than Russia (first place), Canada (second place), China and the United States (third and fourth place, respectively).

See also the meaning of Nation and state.

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