Meaning of Report (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Lauda is the name given to one of the sides of a sheet of paper, whether from a notebook, book or other type of text that follows a pattern.

The page is the set of settings that ensure the default paging, such as the number of characters, the font of the letter, its size, spacing and so on.

However, there is no general pattern for configuring a page. Depending on the context in which it is produced, the page may have different shapes and numbers of characters (letters, symbols and spaces that make up the text).

THE Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) establishes some rules that define the standard of a page in different types of texts.

Learn more about the meaning of ABNT.

The formatting of a page for academic papers (TCC – Course Conclusion Work) and scientific, for example, should follow the following order:

  • Top margin: 3.0 cm
  • Bottom margin: 2.0 cm
  • Right margin: 2.0 cm
  • Left margin: 3.0 cm
  • Line spacing: 1½
  • Font Size: 12
  • Font: Times New Roman or Arial
  • Paper format: A4

Learn more about the meaning of TCC.

THE journalistic page, in turn, has an average of between 20 and 25 lines, with each line containing approximately 70 characters. In total, a journalistic text can have between 1200 and 1700 characters per page.

The definition of the pages is essential for the performance of the work of some professionals, such as proofreaders, for example.

In addition to the ABNT rules on the composition of a page, the National Union of Translators (SINTRA) also determines the types of page recognized for the organization of this class of workers.

Lauda and Page

The main difference between a page and a page is the standardization that the first has.

While the page is formed following a format based on the count of lines, words and strokes (spaces and others numbers and symbolic characters), the page is limited to only sectioning the text, without taking into account the type of content in it. gift.

Read about the sheet size.

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