Meaning of Anime (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Anime or anime (as it is said in Brazil) is the name given to the type of cartoon produced in Japan.

However, according to the Japanese concept of anime, this term is used to classify all types of animations, that is, regardless of their origin (national or foreign).

The origin of the word anime is uncertain. Some researchers consider it to be an abbreviation for English animation (“animation”), while others argue that it may have emerged from the French anime ("cheered up").

Anime is mistakenly confused as an animation genre, when in fact it's just a medium, as it can present numerous different types such as children's, horror, romance, comedy, adventure, erotic, science fiction and etc.

In Brazil, anime began to be quite successful in the mid-1980s. Among the most popular titles is Dragon Ball, Naruto, Knights of the Zodiac, Sakura Card Captor, Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Death Note, One Piece and several others.

See also the meaning of Pokemon.

Animes are mainly consumed by the otakus, who in the West have been called to call people who are fanatical about culture. pop Japanese.

Between the otakus there are also the cosplayers, fans of a certain anime or manga who like to characterize themselves as some characters from their favorite Japanese series.

Normally, at conventions and meetings of otakus (which greatly explore the passion for anime and manga) championships of cosplays, with the aim of rewarding the cosplayer with the best characterization and performance.

Characteristics of animes

The anime designs are characterized by the intense demonstration of the characters' feelings and emotions through their facial expressions.

Large eyes, full of sparkle and color, onomatopoeia and exaggerated expressions are some of the most common features in anime.

Types of animes

Animes can address different types of themes, reaching a specific target audience. The animes are classified according to the audience and the theme they have, the most common being: shonen, shoujo, seinen and hentai.

  • Shonen: Shonen animes are intended for male teenagers, who mainly enjoy action and adventure. Example: Dragon Ball, Natura, Knight of the Zodiacs, among others.
  • shoujo: These animes are mainly aimed at female teenagers. They usually deal with the so-called “rites of passage” of a woman, the typical dramas and concerns of girls during adolescence, such as first love, first kiss and so on.
  • seinen: are anime for the adult audience, usually aimed at men. They deal with more complex, deeper and more realistic subjects.
  • hentai: are the so-called erotic or pornographic animes, with explicit sex scenes.

There are several other anime categories and subcategories.

Anime and Manga

Many animes originate from the success of some manga.

Mangas are types of Japanese comic books, which have as their main characteristic the mode of reading: done backwards and from right to left, contrary to what is common in conventional comics Westerners.

Like anime, manga have very exaggerated features, highlighting the characters' facial expressions and using many onomatopoeias.

Learn more about the meaning of mango and fanfics.

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