Meaning of Fail (What it is, Concept and Definition)

fail means fail, in Portuguese, is an American expression very used, meaning that the person lost, failed, failed, made a mistake or paid a swindle. This expression began to be used on the Internet and started to live in people's daily lives. Fail is short for failure, which means failure in Portuguese, and this failure can occur in several ways.

The expression fail spread even further on the Twitter microblog. People usually use it with the # (hashtag), when someone tries to do something and something wrong happens, becoming a comic fact that spreads across the internet, especially on social networks such as facebook, twitter, among others.

Example fail phrases:

The turbine failure caused the school's power supply to fail;

The strong floods in the Paraná River region were responsible for the floods in the riverside region causing a lot of damage to the crop;

As you did not receive the requested merchandise, you canceled the check payment.

The student lied to the teacher and therefore failed.

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