Meaning of UVA and UVB (What it is, Concept and Definition)

UV is the acronym for ultraviolet, which is a type of electromagnetic radiation. Thus, UVA, UVB and UVC are different types of ultraviolet rays that are transmitted from the Sun.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays is quite harmful to human beings, and may be responsible for several ailments, including skin cancer, for example.

These rays are invisible, but are present at all times of the year, whether in summer or winter (with greater incidence in warmer seasons).

To prevent radiation, it is necessary to follow some basic recommendations, such as: use sunscreen daily, do not be exposed to the sun between 10 am and 4 pm, use sunscreen with high protection factor - FPS (above 30 FPS), mainly in people with fair skin and children.

Learn more about meaning of FPS.

Definition of UVA

UVA radiation is present throughout the year, reaching human skin in much the same way, both in winter and in summer. However, UVA radiation is more intense before 10am and after 4pm.

You UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin

and are the main responsible for the aging of epidermal cells. This radiation also plays a role in allergies, and predisposes the skin to cancer.

However, UVA rays are also responsible for ensuring a tan to the skin when it is moderately exposed to the sun.

UVA rays are still present in tanning beds, even in higher doses than solar radiation.

Definition of UVB

UVB radiation is partially absorbed by the Earth's atmospheric layer, and the rest of the rays, which manage to overcome this barrier, are harmful to the human body.

UVB radiation is more intense during the summer, due to the high temperatures, predominantly between 10 am and 4 pm. this radiation penetrates the skin superficially and is responsible for sunburns.

Definition of UVC

UVC radiation, on the other hand, is totally absorbed by oxygen and ozone in the atmosphere, not reaching human beings on the planet's surface.

This radiation is highly penetrating and unhealthy, and humans would have serious problems if it reached the Earth's surface. For this reason, it is very important to protect the ozone layer, to prevent these rays from reaching the Earth's surface.

See also:

  • Definition of Ozone
  • Solar radiation: concept, summary and types

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