Mentoring is an English term, usually translated as "mentor", "mentor", "mentor" or "sponsorship". O mentoring is professional development tool and it consists of an experienced person helping another less experienced person.
The mentor is a guide, a teacher, a counselor, someone who has extensive professional experience in the field of work of the person being helped. O mentoring includes conversations and debates about subjects that are not necessarily related to work. This process enables the learning and subsequent career development of the younger professional.
Projects of mentoring they are normally the responsibility of the Human Resources department of the companies, and usually happen when it is foreseen the replacement of an employee of a company, whether for reasons of retirement or for any other reason. In this way, the employee who is going to be absent, will be able to transmit his knowledge to his substitute, so that he can effectively fulfill the tasks that were his responsibility.
In the field of education, the mentoring it is also frequently used. Students with learning difficulties are often helped by a mentor or tutor, who it could be a teacher or even an older student who can guide and help you in your development.
Mentoring in companies
In the business world, the mentoring has been gaining popularity in recent years, because it proves to be a more effective tool than other trainings. O mentoring uses the potential that exists within the company, such as the wisdom of more experienced employees, boosting the company's innovation and creativity, and consequently making it more competitive.
the benefit of mentoring it is not exclusive to the learner. The mentor receives great motivation, feeling that he is contributing to the professional and personal growth of a colleague, and at the same time he is equipping the company for a promising future.
Mentoring and coaching
Mentoring and coaching are two activities that are related. Unlike what happens in mentoring, In case of coaching, O coach you don't need to have experience in the client's work area and in some areas of coaching, the professional it may not even give any advice or solutions to specific career-related problems. client.
O mentoring it is a process that does not have an established time for its completion, while in the case of coaching, the process has a beginning, middle and end, and it can take between 3 to 6 months.
See also the meaning of mindset.