Meaning of Professionalism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Professionalism is the set of characteristics that make up a professional, formed by their competences, responsibilities and ethics, in what governs their field of work.

Professionalism is the key to building a successful career on the job.

Among the actions that attest the professionalism of a worker is his commitment to company standards and ethics for which it provides services.

Even working in a relaxed environment and with friends, the professional must put their work obligations above any bond of friendship or intimacy.

THE lack of professionalism it consists in acting with partiality, for example, favoring people only because they are friends and not because of their professional skills.

Learn more about the meaning of competence.

In addition to ethics, professionalism must be based on humility, that is, the professional's ability to recognize their mistakes, their limitations and to be always willing to learn.

Among the basic skills that are appreciated by professionals, the following stand out: proficiency, responsibility, seriousness, punctuality, ethics, among others.

In English, the word professionalism is literally translated to professionalism.

See also the meaning of employability.

Synonyms of professionalism

  • Technician
  • Expert
  • Specialist
  • expert
  • knowledgeable
  • enabled
  • knowledgeable
  • Understood
  • Competent

See also the meaning of professional ethics.

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