Assignment is the action or effect of yielding, donate, to transmit or to assign.
This term is used in the sense of transferring, to someone or something, property or the right of possession over something, for example. It is also usual in the context of permission to license or grant.
Example: "The assignment for the start of the works was finally delivered”.
The assignment can also be understood as the act of lending something. Example: "The transfer of used books will be interrupted indefinitely”.
The word cession is classified in Portuguese as homophone, as it has the same pronunciation as the terms “sessão” and “section”, however with different spellings and meanings.
Among the main synonyms of assignment, the following stand out: assignment, delegation, loan, grant, passage, waiver, transfer and transition.
Assignment of rights
In the judicial sphere, the assignment of rights is the transfer of rights and obligations from one person to another, through an agreement entered into between both parties.
Assignment, Session and Section
Assignment is the act of giving or transmitting something to someone.
Session it is a meeting of people with the objective of debating a certain subject, for example.
Learn more about the meaning of session.
Section, in turn, means to cut or divide, creating the idea of division, division, department and so on.