Idleness means to do nothing, it's a Latin word thanked. Leisure represents, for example, a day off, from high school or college, a leisure time, to enjoy and rest.
idleness is a leisure, a free time to do absolutely nothing, just to relax, and not think about anything, to stay in a moment of laziness, even loitering. An idle person is someone who is not doing anything at the moment, is in an idle state, also known as a state of physical and/or intellectual inertia, often necessary for those who work much.
In terms of etymology, the word business indicates the "denial of idleness", that is, a company or something that occupies someone.
Creative leisure
Creative idleness, which was the title of a monograph by an Italian scientist named Domenico De Masi, which revolutionized the concept of work, saying that the people must include, in their day-to-day, a moment that has activities to rest, moments of leisure, and reconcile this with work and learning.