Meaning of Plurality (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Plurality is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language that means something that has a large amount, the broadest, general and multiple.

Plurality is related to the diversity of things or people gathered in the same physical space. It can also mean the different hypotheses available to solve a given situation (plurality of alternatives).

The term is used to demonstrate something to be in greater quantity, when there are many or many. Example: plurality of votes, plurality of currencies and so on.

cultural plurality

Cultural plurality is related to the multiculturality of a nation, that is, when different types of cultural manifestations and different traditions are gathered in the same space.

In Brazil, due to its "multi-colonization", a plurality of cultures came from practically all parts of the world.

The cultural plurality of a country is characterized by the acceptance of its cultural diversity. in a country monocultural, for example, there are restrictions on the freedom of expression of foreign cultures and traditions, even being considered targets of persecution.

Plurality of worlds

According to the doctrine of Spiritist Religion (Spiritism), the concept of Plurality of Inhabited Worlds it consists in the existence of several worlds in the Universe that shelter life similar to Earth, but with different degrees of evolution.

The incarnation of spirits is made through different conditions of worlds, from the most primitive and wild, even the most evolved, being the Earth considered a transitional planet, between the primitive world and the ideal spiritual.

classification of worlds

  • Primitive worlds: Primitive races and barbarian nations inhabit these worlds. There is no notion of moral sense or spiritual peace.
  • worlds of atonement: are the planets where evil predominates. Earth is part of this category, where spirits are still imperfect, but they are beginning to show evolutions in terms of their moral sense and desire for peace.
  • regenerating worlds: are worlds in defects like hate, pride and envy no longer exist. The spirits are getting ready to move between the world of expiations and the world of happiness, having to face some tests during the permanence of life in this world.
  • Blessed Worlds: are worlds where more evolved spirits live. Life is longer, there are no diseases, pests, wars, famines or any kind of evil.
  • Heavenly or Divine Worlds: are worlds where goodness and happiness prevail, with no room for any kind of evil. They are inhabited by purified spirits.

religious plurality

Religious plurality must not be confused with religious diversity.

Religious diversity or variety is defined by the existence of different cults and different forms of religion in a single space. Whereas, religious plurality is understood as a philosophical thought that claims to be all kinds of true and valid religions.

For religious plurality, all religious beliefs are true as long as they pursue the same goals: heavenly good and soul happiness.

To accept the idea of ​​religious plurality, you do not need to be a religionist, as this is considered a religious philosophy and not a religion in itself.

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