Meaning of Social Hierarchy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Social hierarchy is the levels and positions of each individual within a society. The social hierarchy causes people to be divided into groups, according to a structure, between the richer classes, the middle class and the lower classes.

The social hierarchy can be exemplified with a pyramid, where the bottom concentrates the poorest layers of the society, and the closer it gets to the top of the pyramid, the richer classes, such as millionaires, are concentrated by example. This classification has existed for a long time, from the time of feudalism, which characterized societies as slaves, artisans, commoners, army and kings.

The IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) classifies the Brazilian social hierarchy into classes: A, B, C, D and E. This classification is made according to the income of each family, where class E are very poor people, who live on less than one minimum wage, class D is the lower-middle class, the C class is the middle class, composed of a large part of the population, the B class is upper-middle and the A class is formed by the millionaires and billionaires.

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Meaning of Social Hierarchy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Social hierarchy is the levels and positions of each individual within a society. The social hier...

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