Meaning of Presidentialism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

presidentialism is a form of common government in the republics, where the separation of the three spheres of power: Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.

In presidential regimes, the executive branch is led by the President of the Republic, who exercises both the role of Head of State and Head of Government.

Among some of the main functions of the president in a presidential regime are: choosing the ministers who will work during his government, executing policies public, represent the country internally and externally, sign international treaties, submit bills for legislative voting, command the Armed Forces, among others.

Presidentialism was created in the United States of America, from the Constitution of 1787. Based on the French philosopher's political theory of division of powers Montesquieu, the Americans created a system in which each power (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary) would have the obligation to supervise the others.

Learn more about meaning of democracy.

The president does not have the power to dissolve parliament, but the legislature can dismiss the president of his position as head of the Executive Branch, if he is committing infractions provided for in the Constitution.

The process of removing the president from his position is called Impeachment.

Find out more about the meaning of impeachment.

Characteristics of Presidentialism

  • Typical of democratic republican regimes;
  • President is the head of the Executive Branch (State and Government);
  • The President is free to choose the ministers who will command the Ministries during his government;
  • The Executive, Legislative and Judiciary are autonomous and self-controlling;
  • The President cannot dissolve the Legislature, but it can “resign” the President (see Impeachment);
  • The president is chosen through a direct and secret popular vote.

Presidentialism and Parliamentaryism

Unlike presidentialism, where the president accumulates the functions of head of state and government, in republics parliamentarians, the President of the Republic holds the position of Head of State, while the head of the Government is the responsibility of the Prime Minister.

Normally, in parliamentary nations, the president does not carry out internal management activities (this function is performed by the Prime Minister). In this case, the president has a merely “decorative” role in decisions related to internal politics.

In the parliamentary regime, unlike the presidential one, the Legislative Power (parliamentary) is not limited to creating and approving laws, but also responsible for controlling the government.

Another peculiarity of the presidential regime is the fact that the population chooses, through direct vote, the head of State and Government. In parliamentarism, the Prime Minister (head of government) is elected by a vote made among parliamentarians, the population elects only the President (as head of state).

Learn more about meaning of parliamentarianism.

Presidentialism in Brazil

In Brazil, the first presidential system was instituted from the Constitution of 1891, but since then it has undergone several modifications.

The current presidential model adopted in the country, however, was only configured through the 1988 Constitution, granting greater autonomy to the Legislative and Judiciary, in addition to to make the process more free and equal, since all citizens have the right to vote for candidates for public office that command the Executive and the Legislative.

The President of the Republic of Brazil is elected by direct popular vote and, according to the legislation, his term is temporary (4 years).

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