Meaning of Meticulous (What it is, Concept and Definition)

meticulous is the same as be careful or thorough, an adjective that qualifies something or someone as thoughtful, that is, they are attentive to details.

A meticulous person is one who acts with meticulousness, being always focused on all aspects and details of what he is doing, in order not to make mistakes.

Example:"The artisan needs to have meticulous work when restoring old works".

the individual who acts meticulously in his actions, he may also be afraid, afraid or afraid of something, being considered a shy or prudish person, for example.

Learn more about meaning of pudica.

THE meticulousness (characteristic or quality of one who is meticulous) can still refer to the individual who is easily impressed, especially for having an excess of modesty or scruples.

Learn more about meaning of modesty.

Etymologically, the term meticulous originated from the Latin metus, which can be translated as “fear”, “fear” or “fear”.

Synonyms of meticulous

From its various meanings, the main synonyms for meticulous are:

  • Crusher;
  • Necessary;
  • Detailed;
  • Thorough;
  • Methodical;
  • Systematic;
  • Detailed;
  • Strict;
  • Cautious;
  • Careful;
  • Caution;
  • Susceptible;
  • Scrupulous;
  • Awesome;
  • Shy;
  • Shy.

See also: meaning of Methodical.

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