Meaning of the expression At will (What it means, Concept and Definition)

The expression at ease means without restrictions, when there is freedom of action.

When a person is feeling good in the clothes they are wearing, where they are, or in their position, they can say they are comfortable.

In a dinner invitation, when the host says that there will be plenty of food, he means the guests not to worry and eat whatever they want.

In "come in and make yourself comfortable", the person who says the phrase is inviting the other person to enter the room and feel welcomed as in their own home.

In terms of clothing, it is very associated with comfort, the use of light, informal clothing, or even no clothing at all. When you say you like to be comfortable at home, you may be referring to being naked. It will depend on the concept of comfort applied by the subject.

The expression at ease is an adverbial phrase in a manner and always bears a crasis. Without a crasis it is not an expression, but the union of an article "a" plus the noun "will", as in "this was the will of God".

The "avontade" version with the united script does not exist in Portuguese and is wrong.

In English, at will it can be translated by make yourself comfortable. And in French at ease it would be à l'aise.

Synonyms for at will:

  • comfortably
  • Conveniently
  • casually
  • Well
  • resourcefulness
  • clearance
  • relaxation
  • Naturalness
  • abundantly
  • abundantly

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