Persuasion is the feminine noun from the Latin term persuade, and consists in the act of persuade or to convince.
The concept of persuasion is closely linked with belief and conviction, because persuading someone means making that person believe or accept a certain idea. In addition, persuasion can also convince someone to take a certain type of action.
The expression power of persuasion refers to someone's ability to persuade other people. Persuasion is a form of strategic communication that is done through logical or symbolic arguments. Thus, the ability to argue and rhetoric are essential to succeed in persuading someone.
Persuasiveness is a very important trait in leadership. An effective leader must know how to persuade others to follow his instructions and the path and instructions indicated.
persuasion book
The book entitled Persuasion or persuasion (original title) is the last novel written by Jane Austen. This work was published after the writer's death, has a very autobiographical content and addresses the issue of giving and following advice.
rational persuasion
Prational elusion is an expression of the legal sphere, and is present in article 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure: "The judge will consider freely the evidence, given the facts and circumstances contained in the records, even if not alleged by the parties; but he must indicate, in the sentence, the reasons that formed his conviction.” In this principle, the judge makes his decision according to critical and rational standards.