Meaning of Bipolar (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Bipolar is one that has two opposite poles, that is, two points that have opposite characteristics.

Bipolar is also the name given to a person with contradictory behavior, since at times they can be in a very good mood and at others, very grumpy.

Bipolar in Psychiatry

In psychiatry, a bipolar person is someone who has a behavior disorder that is characterized by the occurrence of episodes of euphoria and depression, alternating with periods of serenity.

Cases of bipolarity are called bipolar mood disorder or bipolar affective disorder.

Bipolarity symptoms

The symptoms of bipolarity can vary from person to person, but there are some that are more common for most bipolars.

Find out what the most common symptoms are:

  • periods of depression and deep sadness,
  • periods of excessive agitation,
  • lack of energy to do everyday activities,
  • sleep disorders: insomnia or excessive sleep,
  • difficulty concentrating,
  • problems related to self-esteem,
  • increase or decrease in appetite.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric illness in which alternate periods of depression and euphoria occur. The disorder affects about 1% of the population and it is already known that there is a genetic predisposition to the disease, that is, it is common for people from the same family to have bipolar disorder.

Bipolar sufferers can experience quite extreme mood swings, and periods of euphoria and depression can be alternated with times when the patient does not have these symptoms.

Diagnosis is based on psychiatric and neurological evaluation. The sooner the patient is diagnosed, the sooner he can receive adequate treatment to reduce the occurrence and intensity of attacks.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

The symptoms of each person with bipolar disorder can vary, mainly because they depend on the stage the disorder is in at any given time. In general, symptoms are quite intense, both in the depressive and euphoric phases.

In the euphoric phase, which can last for days, weeks or months, the person tends to have a very agitated mind and this can be reflected in all their emotions or activities.

The agitation of the mind happens because the flow of ideas gets too fast and the mood gets high. All activities can become more exaggerated, for example: the person talks a lot, has more anger and anxiety, makes a lot of shopping, oversleep, eats more, etc.

In the depression phase, the symptoms are the opposite, that is, the person feels a lack of physical energy, unwillingness to do their activities, decreased appetite and reasoning may become more slow. At this stage thoughts of suicide may also occur.

See also the meanings of Disorder and Bipolarity.

Bipolar in math

In bipolar mathematics, it is a coordinate system in which the position of a given point is given as follows:

  • by their distances in relation to two different poles or
  • through the angles that form the semi-straight lines that start from these poles and pass through the point with the straight line that joins the poles.

Meaning of Bipolar (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Bipolar is one that has two opposite poles, that is, two points that have opposite characteristic...

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