humus is the organic matter deposited in the soil, which results from the decomposition of dead animals and plants, or its by-products.
Humus is formed through a natural process, produced by soil bacteria and fungi, and external agents such as humidity and temperature contribute to humification.
In the formation of humus, several nutrients are released, especially nitrogen, which ends up turning the humus into an organic fertilizer for agriculture.
O humus brings many benefits to the soil, as the improvement of its physical properties, promoting the release of nutrients slowly, making the fertilization more effective and lasting.
It also contributes to increasing the soil's buffering capacity, retaining moisture in the soil for longer.
earthworm humus
Vermicomposting is the use of earthworms in the production of humus, decomposing animal waste and waste and also the urban waste, which helps to improve the soil, neutralizing carbon and eliminating odors unpleasant.
Vermicomposting is a well-known process, especially among residents of rural areas, since the earthworm is known for being a waste cleaning machine.
See also the meaning of landfill.