Meaning of Effectiveness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Effectiveness is the characteristic, particularity or state of what is effective, that is, what is real, true and legitimate. It can also be the consequence or the effect of what is real; reality or existence.

The meaning of effectiveness is also related to what can be verified, whose existence is real and true, indisputable.

The word effectiveness can refer to that which is permanent, definitive, stable, fixed, uninterrupted. Example: a labor effectiveness of a public official.

THE effectiveness in administration it is linked to the particularity of what is capable of achieving its goals. already the military effectiveness it is a circumstance of effective service that is carried out in a military agency.

Synonyms of effectiveness

  • reality
  • competence
  • truth
  • lawful

Process effectiveness

Effectiveness is one of the principles of procedural law. The effectiveness of the process consists in the guarantee of discovering which of the two parties is right and delivering to each one the true and real value they deserve.

An ideal judicial process, therefore, should be as effective as possible, guaranteeing not only the material right, but also a response in a reasonable and satisfactory time.

Efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness

Effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness are words sometimes considered synonymous, however there are some differences between the different meanings of each. It is possible for an action to be carried out with efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness at the same time, but it can also be effective without being efficient.

THE effectiveness it is the quality of what achieves its goal, it is the ability to function regularly, satisfactorily, referring to what is real and true. Example: “The result of the meeting was very effective”.

THE efficiency it is the quality of what is done with excellence, which gives good results, which produces the desired effect with competence. Example: “The work was done efficiently”.

Efficiency it is to reach the proposed objective, it is to fulfill the function, the goal, it is to carry out what has been determined. Example: “The equipment proved to be effective”.

See also the meaning of Effective.

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