Ipsis verbis and ipsis litteris are Latin expressions that mean "by the same words" and "by the same letters", respectively.
Both expressions - ipsis verbis and ipsis litteris – are often used in formal texts or speeches in the legal and academic sphere.
Some people still use both expressions as if they were synonymous, in the sense of denoting the literalness of something that was said or written by a certain individual.
However, some scholars argue that each expression should be used in different situations.
For example, the ipsis verbis means "same words" and is used to refer to a oral language, that is, when the total reproduction of a speech or speech occurs.
Learn more about meaning of the expression "Inverbis”.
already the ipsis litteris is related to reproduction literal of written and textual language, a direct reference to the meaning of this expression: “by the same letters”. When a text is faithfully transcribed to its original, it is said that this is a ipsis litteris.