Meaning of Lethargy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

lethargy is a unconsciousness, where the person appears to be in deep sleep and totally loses the ability to respond to external stimuli. Lethargy can also be considered a psychopathology, where the individual has varying periods of total unconsciousness.

In some cases, the individual may remain aware of everything that is going on around him, but finding himself totally unable to react to external stimuli. In this case, it is called lucid lethargy and it is often provoked in people who have suffered from intense emotional stress, for example.

One of the main causes that can lead to a state of lethargy are serious infections that affect some points of the nervous system.

In the figurative sense of the word, lethargy can also represent someone's state of despondency or extreme laziness.

Some of the main synonyms of lethargy they are: numbness, numbness, lethargy, prostration, inertia and discouragement.

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lethargy symptoms

From a clinical point of view, the patient in a state of lethargy presents their

low vitals, with the pulse, breathing and heartbeat practically imperceptible.

THE lack of stiffness in muscles and dilation of pupils (not reacting to light stimulation) are other typical signs of lethargy.

Apparently, in the lethargic state the patient is in profound unconsciousness, as if he were in a deep sleep or, in some cases, dead.

In the past, due to the scarcity of medical resources, many patients in a state of lethargy were considered dead and buried. Thus, they only noticed that the person had been buried alive when they exhumed the body and saw that the corpse had changed position or the coffin had scratch marks.

Nowadays, the death of a person can only be decreed when he does not present any type of brain activity.

Lethargy and Catalepsy

In the biological scope, catalepsy consists of the muscle stiffening, the opposite of the lethargic state, where the muscles are totally flaccid.

For the Spiritist doctrine, however, catalepsy would be a kind of “partial lethargy”, where the body enters a state of torpor that affects only some organs.

the famous spiritist Allan Kardec is one of the forerunners in defining these concepts for spiritism, both being related to parapsychological phenomena.

spiritual lethargy

From a religious point of view, the so-called “spiritual lethargy” is described as the “insensitivity of the body before the spiritual plane”, that is, their inertia, self-indulgence and indifference to the true meaning of faith.

In this case, just like the lucid lethargic individual, the person's spirit is unable to "get in touch" with his body, making him not understand or perceive his spirituality.

To leave the lethargic state for spiritism is to “connect” the body to the so-called “vital fluid”, that is, the spirit.

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