modesty is the action to moderate some human behaviors, such as vanity and lust.
A behavior based on modesty means being free from vanities related to the individual or his achievements, for example.
Modesty is considered a positive quality, as it is in accordance with the ethical and moral standards established by society.
An individual who practices modesty is called modest, being characterized by his way of being simple, unpretentious and humble.
Learn more about the meaning of modest and humble.
The antonym of modesty is pretense and vanity, that is, when there is an excess of the value given to yourself, to your actions or achievements.
modesty aside
This is a very common expression, when someone wants to value something personal act or achievement, without being interpreted as vain or pretentious.
Example: "My son is a great student, modesty aside.”
false modesty
False modesty is when someone pretends to be modest, that is, when there is a hidden desire to value their actions or behavior.
When someone doesn't praise or affirm some act of a modest fake, he feels frustrated for not having the desired recognition.
modesty and modesty
The concept of modesty and modesty are intrinsically related, especially among the precepts of religious doctrines, such as the Catholic one.
O shame it is a feeling of shyness or shame about what is intimate and private.
Excessive modesty can be developed by cultural and religious factors, which inhibit the feeling of comfort of some people about certain subjects or actions, for example.
Learn more about the meaning of shame.