Meaning of Rhombus (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Diamond is a figure in the field of geometry, a quadrilateral polygon (four sides) that have all sides equal and two sharp angles and two obtuse.Diamond

Also described as a rhombus, the rhombus is classified as a parallelogram because each side has another side arranged in a parallel fashion.

The square has similar characteristics to the diamond (4 sides of the same length) and the rectangle (4 right angles). Thus, the square is a special geometric figure, which can be considered a diamond and a rectangle. Despite this, the calculation of areas will be different depending on the polygon angles.

There is often a doubt between rhombus or rhombus. Nevertheless, the correct form is a diamond and not a diamond, the latter not being in the dictionary.

One of the most famous representations of the diamond is present in the National Flag of Brazil. According to heraldry, the diamond is a geometric figure that refers to femininity, and the yellow color indicates riches such as gold, for example. Thus, a possible interpretation for the

yellow diamond is that Brazil, as a motherland, is a mother who has some wealth and who takes care of her children.

Find out more about the meaning of the Brazilian flag.

Diamond Area Calculation

In a diamond with two sharp angles and two obtuse angles, its area is calculated by multiplying the length of the longest diagonal (distance between the most distant vertices, which have an acute angle) by the length of the shortest diagonal (distance between the closest vertices, which have an angle obtuse). This formula is the same for calculating the area of ​​a rectangle, so the result is divided by two, because the diamond has half the area of ​​the imaginary rectangle that surrounds it. So the formula is: (d x D) / 2.

See too:

  • Types of triangles

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