Meaning of Pragmatism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

pragmatism is a philosophical doctrine whose fundamental thesis is that the idea we have of any object is nothing more than the sum of the ideas of all the imaginary effects attributed by us to this object, which now has a practical effect any.

Pragmatism is a philosophical thought created at the end of the 19th century by the American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), psychologist William James (1844-1910) and jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr (1841-1935). They opposed intellectualism, considering practical value as the criterion of truth.

To be a supporter of pragmatism is to be practical, to be pragmatic, to be realistic. The one who doesn't beat around the bush, who has his goals well defined, who considers practical value as the criterion of truth.

be pragmatic it's having your goals well defined. It consists in escaping from improvisation, it is based on the concept that ideas and actions are only true if they serve for the immediate solution of their problems.

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