Meaning of Adjective (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Adjective é every word that characterizes the noun, indicating to you quality, defect, state, condition etc. E.g.: man well (quality), boy pesky (defect), girl happy (state), family rich (condition).

The adjective can appear before or after the noun. Ex.: beautiful girl or girl beautiful.

Adjective inflections

Adjectives have some types of inflections: gender (male and female), number (singular and plural) and degree (comparative and superlative).

gender bending

The adjective must agree in gender with the noun it qualifies. If the noun is masculine, the adjective must be masculine. If the noun is feminine, the adjective must be feminine.


  • the dish was cold.
  • the lasagna was cold.
  • the athlete is fast.
  • the athlete is fast.

All these adjectives listed above (cold/cold, fast/fast) are called biforms, as they vary by gender. The same can be said of the adjectives Portuguese/Portuguese, glutton/glutton, Brazilian/Brazilian and conqueror/conqueror.

However, there are invariable adjectives, regardless of whether the noun is masculine or feminine. These adjectives are called

uniforms. It is the case of fragile, simple, bad and loyal.

see more examples of adjectives.

number flexion

Just as the adjective behaves in relation to gender, it behaves in relation to number. It is a matter of agreement. If the noun is in the plural, the adjective must be in the plural form. If the noun is singular, the adjective must be in the singular.


  • This model showed itself effective.
  • These models showed themselves effective.
  • that chair is uncomfortable.
  • those chairs are uncomfortable.

Degree bending

There is a variation of degree in an adjective when you want to intensify or compare. Thus, the adjective can have two types of degrees: the comparative (which compares qualities) and the superlative (which intensifies qualities).

O comparative degree it can be superior (higher than), equal (as high) and inferior (less than).

O superlative degree indicates intensification of the characteristic attributed to the noun. This intensification can take place relatively or absolutely.

At the relative superlative degree, there is the idea of ​​putting the noun in relation to something else. The relative degree can be superior (This tree is the tallest in the square) and inferiority (This tree is the least green in the square).

already the absolute superlative degree manifests the idea of ​​excess. It can be synthetic (The tree was very tall) and analytical (The tree was very tall).

Types of Adjectives

Adjectives are classified according to their structure. They can be simple, composite, primitive and derivative.

simple adjectives

Simple adjectives have a structure formed by a single radical (which is the basic component of the word). The simple adjective rich, for example, is formed by a single stem (ric).


  • Brazilian
  • Argentine
  • Beautiful
  • Ugly

compound adjectives

Compound adjectives have at least two radicals in its structure.


  • Socioeconomic
  • sky blue
  • Deaf mute
  • Afro-Brazilian

Primitive Adjectives

Primitive adjectives are those that do not derive from another word. In fact, these adjectives serve as a basis for the formation of other words.


  • Well
  • beautiful
  • White
  • Free

Derived Adjectives

Derived adjectives are formed in other words. They result from adding a prefix or suffix to a stem.


  • Bluish
  • Hopeful
  • saddened
  • stiffened

homeland adjective

Adjectives can refer to cities, countries, continents, states or regions to which a person or institution belongs.


  • Amazonian (from Amazonas)
  • Bahia (from Bahia)
  • Santa Catarina (from Santa Catarina)
  • Bulgarian (from Bulgaria)
  • New Zealander (from New Zealand)

The patriotic adjectives can be composed, making it necessary to reduce the first element that forms the adjective.


  • French-Asian (France and Asia)
  • African American (Africa and America)
  • Greco-Roman (Greece and Rome)

Read more and meet others homeland adjectives.

adjective phrase

The adjective phrase is any expression (two or more words) that appear in place of an adjective. Ex.: mother's love, country house, monthly evaluation. The adjectival phrase always begins with a preposition.

Most adjective phrases are replaced by a corresponding adjective. Ex: maternal love, country house, monthly evaluation.

see the meaning of definite and indefinite article.

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