Meaning of Melee Weapon (What it is, Concept and Definition)

melee weapon is any object that can be used to attack or defend against someone or something, but that in principle does not have this purpose.

However, there is another definition that claims to be a melee weapon any object constructed with the aim of attacking something or someone, but manually, such as swords, daggers, English punch and so on.

In English, the expression "blade weapon" is translated to cold weapon.

knife law

In the state of Rio de Janeiro, the possession of knives, daggers or similar objects with blades longer than ten centimeters is prohibited. Violators will be detained and will have to pay a fine.

At the national level, according to the text of Decree-Law No. 3665, of November 20, 2000, the concept of a bladed weapon is defined as:

Art 3rd (...) XI - melee weapon: cutting or piercing artifact, usually constituted by a bladed piece or oblong”.

I.e, knives, knives and other sharp objects are considered melee weapons, according to the description of the law.

Is carrying a knife a crime?

Pursuant to article 19 of the Criminal Misdemeanor Law "bringing a weapon outside the home or out of the home, without license from the authority", can generate a simple prison sentence - between fifteen days and six months of imprisonment - plus payment of traffic ticket.

However, as described in article 3 of law 3.665/2000, before the courts, the concept of a bladed weapon is very restricted (knives and sharp objects), other objects such as pepper spray, wooden stick, English punch, etc., are not provided for in the law.

With the advent of the Disarmament Law, in 2003, article 19 is considered to have fallen into disuse. Thus, if someone is caught carrying a bladed weapon (as the law describes), it is usually seized by the police, just as a precaution, and the individual does not suffer other punishments.

Types of melee weapons

Knife weapons, according to legal definition, can be classified into seven types: perforating, sharp, sharp, sharp, sharp, sharp, sharp and perforations and sharp edges.

  • Piercing: screwdriver, needle, foil.
  • Sharps: blades, razors, razors, etc.
  • Sharps: knife, bottle, broken glass, etc.
  • Strong: hammer, stick, knuckles, etc.
  • Cutting edges: axe, guillotine, sickle.
  • Perforating sharps: pickaxe, spear, harpoon.
  • Sharp piercings: machete and katana.

melee weapon and firearm

Firearms are also defined by Decree Law No. 3.665/2000:

Art 3rd (...) XIII - firearm: weapon that throws projectiles using the expansive force of gases generated by the combustion of a propellant confined in a chamber that is normally attached to a pipe that has the function of providing continuity to the combustion of the propellant, as well as direction and stability to the projectile”.

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