Meaning of Amalgam (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Amalgam is mercury alloy with another metal, and has several functions, for example, the tin amalgam serves to mirror the glass, the amalgam is also used in the dentistry.

An amalgam is a solution of one or more metals in mercury or an alloy of a particular metal and mercury. When the percentage of metal is small, the amalgam is liquid; when the percentage is large, the amalgam is solid. Amalgams are used to extract gold and silver from ore threads (amalgamation).

In the figurative sense, an amalgam is also the name given to a mixture of diverse and heterogeneous things. It is also the disorderly gathering of people of different classes and qualities. In linguistics, amalgamation is also the mixing of two words with the aim of creating a new one.

dental amalgam

Amalgam is a material widely used by dentists, formed from silver, mercury and tin, and has the objective of restoring teeth. Amalgam has a lot of resistance, especially with regard to oxidation, but due to the fact that mercury is absorbed by the body, its use has been abolished in some countries, such as Sweden. The material used in dentistry is called silver amalgam.

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