Meaning of the expression Bland (What it means, Concept and Definition)

The bland expression refers what doesn't please, it's not funny and it doesn't attract attention.

It also corresponds to what does not displease, does not generate disgust. It is closer to the indifferent, to what does not generate a reaction.

You can say of things or people: "it was a very boring dress", that is, the dress did not present anything notorious, beautiful or interesting. And also "he was a dull boy," which means someone apathetic, who draws no attention to either good or bad.

When someone says that "this joke is boring", or "this story is boring" can be understood as that which does not make you laugh, which has no humor. But you can still refer to what is politically incorrect as a racist joke. To which one person may utter something like this and the other responds "That wasn't funny" in a more serious tone. Used when play goes beyond common sense.

It is also said that things that are too moderate are "dull".

"embarrass" can be understood as embarrassing the other person, being with a compliment or even a criticism. When a girl is embarrassed, it means she is shy or embarrassed about something. For example: "he said he liked her, and she was embarrassed at the time",

See too:Grace

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