Meaning of Cow Hand (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Penny-pincher is a popular expression used to designate a individual who does not like to spend money, who is stingy, stingy, stingy.

The "cow hand" is the one who deprives himself of everything in order to save his money. The "cow hand" does not like to share the expenses and always waits for the other to pay the bill.

The expression "cow hand" has the same meaning as the expressions closed hand, hunger nail, hard bread, crumbs, among others.

The person who is called "cow hand" is not always someone who does not have money, quite the contrary, they are often individuals who have many possessions, but simply do not like to spend.

The miser, that individual who does little charity, who is not generous, who does not like to spend his money, is also called a cow hand.

The expression "hands tied is also used to name the individual who is stingy, tight-fisted, who doesn't like to pay the bill.

Mão de vaca is a typical culinary dish from Ceará, in northeastern Brazil. It is prepared with the shank of the cow, which is cut into pieces, well seasoned and cooked. The stew is famous for being a fortifying and energizing dish. It is served with mush and white rice.

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