Meaning of Interim (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Interim is the characteristic of something that is provisional, that is, it occupies a short period of time between two situations or events.

This noun also characterizes that which is interim. For example, after the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, Vice President Michel Temer held the post of presidency of Brazil on an interim basis, or that is, during the interim that elapses since the departure of Dilma and the choice of a new president through new elections direct.

Many people confuse the spelling of this term with “interim” (without the acute accent), but the correct way to write it is with the accent: interim.

Example:“I was expecting an important visit, but I had to leave to go to the supermarket. In the meantime, the visit ended up arriving".

In Portuguese, this term probably originated from the Latin expression Interim, which literally means "during this time" or "provisionally".

Among some of the main synonyms of interim they are: comenos, meanwhile, half-time and provisional.

See also: O meaning of Ephemeral.

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